2009-02-22 - Internationale Rassehundausstellung - Fribourg

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Show date:22/02/2009
Submitted by:milancin
Submitted on:22/02/2009
Youth class (9-18 months)
 1. Damon du Clos des GuerriersexcellentYouth Winner
Middle class
 1. Udinì Passo del Lupo (MIX: Mutara?)excellentCAC, res. CACIB
 . Ckoo Mah' Ook de la Mollynière de Lo'Scale (MIX: Saarloos?)good
Open class
 1. Crying Wolf (MIX: Saarloos?) VolosexcellentCAC
 2. Art z Viktoriinej záhradyexcellentres. CAC
 . Aslan vom Sturmwind (MIX: Saarloos?)sufficient
Champion class
 1. Morfeo Passo del LupoexcellentBOB, CAC, CACIB
Puppy (6-9 months)
 1. Di'sun-Shiynn de la Mollynière de Lo'Scalevery promissingBest Puppy
Youth class (9-18 months)
 1. Daïka de la Louve Blanche (MIX: AWD? Saarloos?)excellentBest Junior, Youth Winner
 2. Chenoa of the Mystic Wolvesexcellentres. Youth Winner
 3. Chye-Z'ddey de la Mollynière de Lo'Scale (MIX: Saarloos?)excellent
 . Dina Passo del Lupo (MIX: Mutara?)good
 . Fanny vom Wengerhofgood
Middle class
 1. Morgana Passo del LupoexcellentCAC, res. CACIB
Open class
 1. Cyntia spod ĎumbieraexcellentCAC
Working class
 1. Arimminum AshaexcellentCAC
Champion class
 1. Alud -Lupimax-excellentCAC, CACIB
 2. Elsinki les P'tits Loups d'Amour (MIX: Saarloos?)excellentres. CAC
 3. Birba -l'Amico del Lupo-excellent