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Old 06-04-2012, 21:44   #17
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Thank you, Ursula, for clarifying your point.

This video shows sequences of fear, panik up to stupor to an extend you will only find in dogs which are genetically more afrait of human company, more drawn to live on their own without human interferance. But I see no point in breeding dogs with such a high level of "shyness", because they will always have to live in a human dominated surrounding...

However, badly socialised dogs - been kept at a humans home with contact to a certain group of humans- will still, even in fear, be contactable unless they have been deprived to an extend beyond breaking. So, sure this can be done to "man's best friend" - but I doubt that the owners of the shown dogs mistreat them at home.
Often, the difference is not easy to recognise if one works with dogs living in Human society, because even people aren't used to this kind of behavior.
If one knows or works with CwD with this "personality trait", it becomes more ob obvious - no offence meant.

And...yes...I do work and live with such dogs, and I am glad that at least younger generations of CwD aren't handicaped in this way...
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