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Old 12-12-2012, 14:03   #144
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Thats your reasoning. Fully understandable. The reason people who are passionate about dogs will be skeptical like myself is that when there is no registration the breeder themself has filled in the pedigree and thats all there is. No outside unbiased body. So someone who is dodgey would say yes they are pure when infact they did not register the litter is the sire was a different dog.

I know this isnt perfect. I know there are other ways to register and keep pure lines BUT when someone does it, questions are raised.

You have made personal attacks, you did not need to do when exlaining your reasons would have sufficed. Im questioning this litter and its parents as I think the truth here is important. Lay the card out on the table and let people make informed choices. Your questioning of my dog is off topic.

My first post was to the breeder and I think I made that clear. I question you about your dogs because like it or not you are an ambassador to the breed. I think its something you are going to find happens alot. Will you question every person the way you have me if they ask you some of the basic questions.

I have also questioned the way the breed is being introduced here. Im passionate about the breed and want whats best so yes I will question.

Photos give us a clue not proof of anything. To have proof you need one of two things neither of which you are interested in. Which is fine, you just wanted pets. The breeder I still think would be best to think about this if they want to continue to have more litters.

The only thing really clear is that the male and pups are not registered. I personally would like some more information. Why were the original dogs not registered. What was the breeders reasoning?

What is the breeder of these pups doing? Will they be breeding more? Are they being ethical? Is this damaging for the breed here?

I just honestly want to know what is going on. No judgements. I just would like to have that information.

YOU dont have to answer my questions. Other people are allowed to speak up. Besides I do not think you have any interest in my last few questions BUT you could give your exerience with them.

I would like to know why people think the breeder uses a cross?

Thats your opinion. You can have it. Its not mine, nor the people who work with them, nor that of the people who have met her.
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