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Old 02-06-2011, 13:37   #47
Lorry - MLS
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If it can get things done quickly, I am ready to scan licenses genetic Sibir, Thalia, and Rambo (do not forget that Rambo has the same father as Sibir)

- Maybe, Daniela will determine if there Saarloos in these 3 dogs ?
- Maybe, she can determine that Rambo is the brother of Sibir
(if not her brother, we can already get a more real things)

What amazes me still, in a subject if burning is that neither the owner Galiba nor the breeder of Sibir and Thalia, do not take the trouble to explain what might be happening ?

The hyposthèse a projection with an accidental Saarloos, is not a shame ..... Why not come and talk openly .... I know ..... this is the minimum ......

Because among all the MIX which already been accused (by inventing outright lines) and true MIX looming on the horizon, we will of course add me, I'll have you know my breeding becomes the shame of France's !....
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