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Old 12-12-2012, 15:08   #8
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Originally Posted by Tana View Post
Each pack has an hierarchy.The pack is first -the other 2 dogs and second is our family. I do not humanize the dogs, cutting them from nature and looking at them like at my own children. I respect the nature and wilderness in them.Living outdoor keep their natural imunity intact and their senses alert; outdoor they can be what nature intendeed for them to be and can guard our house. They have fur to protect them from harsh winter, claws and theeths to hunt, they are not made to sleep in house and to become lazy. Yes, i agree with sharing their bond between them first and second with us. But the humans are the masters on the evolution scale. The home here is the whole our garden, but the house is strictly our human "den", as they have their own cage. Our house is a place where the dogs come from time to time to play, socialise and interact with us like a favor, but never to sleep or lie down on our sofa. They are never allowed in bed and never allowed to our table. They eat after us and in their place. Because of that they know, when we allow them in house to act nice. )Like us, each one of them likes to be let alone in his cage, which is their property when are outdoor.
Why do you ask if you know the only "corrrect" answer?

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