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Old 12-04-2011, 01:15   #16
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Join Date: Feb 2010
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Posts: 370

I'd rather have everything in the database in the beginning so if I do go ahead with this I'll add PD (I'm assuming the results are like DM - N/N, N/a, and a/a?) and gonioscopy. Even if they aren't (easily) available in the USA - it'll probably cost less to have them added in the beginning as opposed to having them added later on.

The largest roadblock I'm having now are with two aspects:

Admins only can modify the health certifications (I don't want people lying, proof is important). IMO this is very important.

Two levels for non-admins, registered (requires approval for all entries, additions, and edits) and approved (does not require admin approval for entires, additions, and edits). This would mainly be for spam control. Known owners would be approved and then spam-bots won't be able to spam the database. This isn't as important, some scripts have an auto-approve option where if it is turned off the admin needs to approve all additions and changes.

Odd that there hasn't been a peep from the people running the DB here, though.
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