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Old 01-03-2011, 17:19   #1
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Default Country of origin standard question

Being a Czechoslovakian breed we have a bit of a unique situation - two countries of origin. (I think the GSD has this problem for a while but it gor resolved back in the 1990s plus politics made it easier for clubs to pick which country to side with).

In studying the history of the breed (especially early on) I noticed that the Czech lines concentrated on the border patrol aspect of the breed (since they were closer to the iron curtain) and the Slovak side didn't need to produce those results as quickly so they concentrated on fine tuning the breed itself. It looks to me (and please, correct me if I'm wrong) early on:

Czech - faster and more extreme results but also more erratic with results.

Slovak - slower results but more consistent

* If this is wrong / inaccurate, please let me know. I'm sure both sides have more consistent breeding programs now.

My question is, and I know this is 100% opinion, but which standard is considered more correct (or are the Czech and Slovak standards the same?). Which standard to most clubs tend to side with?

Edit: I was just informed that Slovakia has "guardianship" of the standard which may answer my own question (but I'm still curious).

Last edited by draggar; 01-03-2011 at 18:03.
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