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Old 22-03-2012, 13:45   #24
z Peronówki
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Originally Posted by Max Paini View Post
is kennel and his soldier as Daive is in a world where today competition is strong and them dog are not at level of other.
The topic of Daiva you should really leave! Yes, there is a competition in the CsW world. And it is strong. And if there is a GOOD breeder then the only possibility to "fight" with him is to spread the lies about him. And it is what Hanka do for example about Daiva. They are the BEST examples of it - of the sick situation which appears in the CsW world.

I have no idea why Hanka is so crazy about Daiva. So envy about her. But it is visible already since several years. I think Hanka is envy because Daiva is on a level unattainable for her when it comes to the information about breed and knowledge about Wolfdogs. Hanka is breeding dogs longer but I really doubt if she will ever know so much about them as Daiva do. It is my opinion.
Some people say it is the "stud dog fight" - both own sons of Kondor but while the dogs of Daiva became much more popular and because people wrote many positive opinions about him the funny lies started to appear. About missing tooth, aggression, wrong bites. Guess who is the author of these lies? BINGO.
And she is spreading the lies about Daivas dog even if everybody an see it is her invention (the dog is already champion of several countries and was judges and bonitated by judges from the origin countries who didn't found any faults).
Anyway she is keeping to spread the lies. Daiva was for a long time more than that. Till she discovered that Hanka is doing much more tha "stud dog fighting". One time they met in Latvia(?) person who wanted a puppy from Hanka. The woman spoke so much bad opinions about Daivas dogs. After a talk she send Daiva email(s?) she get from the "Czech CsW guru" - Hanka. I saw one and I know what Hanka wrote about Daivas dogs. LIES, LIES, LIES. Really nice dogs became "aggressive without any reasons", aso. Believe me - for me it was enough to convince me that Hanka is a unscrupulous person. Since this time I do not wish any contact with her. The only letter I saw would be enough for Daiva to drag Hanka to the court.
I understand why Daiva did't do it: on the contrary to Hanka she is not breeding dogs for money. She do not need to care for the "market" and selling huge number of puppies. She really loves this breed. People who know Daiva, and who know what is going on in the CsW world do not care for people like Hanka - Hanka will be not able to destroy Daivas good image as breeder even if she will start to spread 2x more lies about her. But at the same time I really understand why Daiva is so angry about Hanka and I support it.

And it do not only apply to breeders from other countries. There is a really good kennel in CZ - z Údolí ticha. With great dogs and breeder who really care for his puppies and is doing really good work! I already heard REALLY bad opinions about his dogs said by Hanka. Only because this man is doing a great work in CZ and people from abroad appreciate his work. It was enough for her to blame his dogs.

So not Daiva is a "soldier" of anyone. She is just a victim of lies spread by Hanka.
But YOU ARE a soldier of Hanka. Unfortunately I doubt if you can be proud of it.

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