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Old 17-06-2003, 14:44   #29
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 50
Default Trouble with my dog

Hi Deborah and all,

now after reading this new description of your dogs behaviour it sounds like
he is just a normal puppy and you too don't sound that desperate anymore.

You told us that you had a CsV that used to eate you panties and even bras.
My male CsV (yes, the same one who also has had separation anxiety) also
does this. And this is not only crazy; it is also dangerous. He already
once had an intestinal blockage after he had swallowed my bra and he had to
be operated. It was a big and expensive surgery and he could have died. Now,
when I see that he has swallowed something not suitabel, I give him some
salt directly into his throat and then he will vomit everything out. Lately
he has been much better also with this "crazy habit" of his but I must take
care taht I don't leave my underwear anywhere where he could get them ... I
know this sounds very funny, but actually it isn't ...

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