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Old 13-03-2008, 03:06   #12
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Originally Posted by neesk
1) We have a 3 year-old daughter, and whilst she is very good - both the puppies are always trying to jump on her and eat her food. We are constently taking them away and telling them "No" when they are jumping on her (we praise them when they sit quietly and ignore her) - does anyone have any other ideas? I know that CSVs are good with children, but I have only heard this in referance to CSV adults.
Is pretty good leave puppies with kids when you're watching and take care of the play, as is very good teach the puppy to respect the kid and your orders, but you may do it only when you have time, patience and energy for it.
When you want a peace dinner for your kid leave the puppies in other place separate of the kid with a lot of plays for they plaing together.

Originally Posted by Neesk
2) Eating everything, except their own food . When they are out in the garden they are eating stones, snales, grass, and the bitch is eating her own (and her brothers) faeces - but they are not eatting much of their own food (vet said not to worry until it has been a few days but I worry!)
Puppies are curious, they want touch and taste all, take all, dogs have no hands like humans, so they made it with the mouth, chew and spit stones, grass and other things are different to eat it, normally they only chew and spit and this is common not only for CzW but for all dogs.
That's why you need take care of what your puppies can take, as they can chew a stone they can do this with a eletricity line and die, they will give preference for natural bones ( please, only give it raw) and leather bones, is pretty interessing you leave it for they take when they want.
When you see they chewing something you not want they do, take they by the "neck skin" and say "no", leave they in the front of something that they can bite (as the raw bone), if they start to chew the raw bone ( as exemple) make a "party" (weee, good boy or something like that) for turn clear that this is correct , continuing observe because comonly they will back to the " forbiden chew thing" for test your reaction.

If you leave the food all day for the puppies, they normally won't eat all, will seems that they aren't eating, that's change if you gives the food only in predicted time, all days at same hour and 3 at 5 times per day, if they not eat, take out the food and only will eat in the next time.
The food is a important question that will help you to made the puppies see you as leader.
If you can make then sit or down for only after this receive the food will be better sometimes.

Coprofagy is very comon for puppys, normally they do it for eat the protein they put out on feces.
When they defecate clean at same hour you see, normally they will defecate 30 min after eat so, it's only you take care.
If you see they eating feces, again grasp then by the "neck skin" and say "no", clean the feces and end of the problem, with the time it will stop.

Originally Posted by Neesk
3) Toliet training - how long does it normal take for a CSV. Our dog seems to be very stupid and doesn't get it at all yet. Our bitch was learning really well yesterday, but today she isn't getting it again . She is alot more intellegent than her brother and often takes advantage of that when she is wrestling with him.
You only can correct then when you take then on the act, when you see one of the puppies mading a pee on your carpet, so again, grasp by the neck skin, say "no" and leave she on the garden, is she do only one drop of pee in the garden, so you make a party and act as it was the best thing in the world.
If you only find your carpet wet, so you can do nothing, only rest you clean it and wait take she on the act for correct.

Originally Posted by Malgor
back to do what ever they have been told not to, as if you have never bothered to correct them at all!
For CzW pack is more important than for dogs, a good and strong leader is needed for a good pack, then they test you even puppy, if you're not a good and strong leader, so they will be.
Why they will obey you, are you leader? yes?! so, let's test you!
It's almost this thinking but in more puppy way, if you're not good leader they won't respect you, if you're good leader they will respect but at same time test you.

Remember that puppies needs a lot of patience and perseverance for learn, as they need a good, calm, wise and strong leader.

Normally the proper sociailization with the world take out the energy of the puppie, when they see, do, know and learn new things.

Last edited by Nebulosa; 13-03-2008 at 03:11.
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