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nobrezabranca 28-04-2011 11:46

Wich puppy to keep???
5 Attachment(s)
Hi everyone,
I had a litter from Jaraba Zlata Palz and Odin Crying Wolf(and thank you all that helped me getting the pedegree of Odin;to receive it I had ,unfortunately,to ask for them to the Hungarian Kennel Club,there was no other way,because Edit said that she wouldn´t help me getting the papers!!!imagine to hear this from the breader itself!!!no more comments needed I think...) that were born on december the 25th!!!it was my very special gift from my bitch.My whole christmas was spent in the doghouse...eveything went well,she was/is a wonderfull mother,and odin an exceptional father too, and I had 6 puppies,4males and 2 females.the males I already sold them,but I kept both females to choose well the one I was getting for me.they have now 4 months and 3 days,are 53cm big and a weight of about 20 kg.And now I want to sell one female,because it is time.My questions are:

How are they concerning the weight and height for their age?the father is about 68/9 cm and the mother 66/7 cm.the other dogs are in their pedegrees...and is the size of their ears ok/correct for their age and head ?

Wich of them is the best at the moment for dogshows?one has a little thinner and less triangular head I think,but both are triangular,but I'm no expert.the one with the bigger head,the darker, is a little heavier/larger than the other,but with the same height.you can see in the fotos the father,the mother(with little hair at the moment because she had the litter) and both puppies,together and sepparated.the eyes I can already see that they are light(not at all dark,correct),and the mouth/teeth perfect.

Concerning the character,they are very different.one,the darker,is more shy than the other,gets much easier frightened.what is normal,to be that shy or to be fearless as the other?I have them in a very big terrace I have and each day I go to the beach with them,because the beach is only 50m away from my house.whenever I can I also bring them to the promenade,full of people,other dogs,cars,etc,so they are used to all.but still the one that is more shy keeps on beeing like that,but after a while she plays with other dogs and people too.the more friendly doesn´t need no time at all to be friendly to others,dogs or people.is this charcter difference a probem latter in general and to dogshows in particular?or is it just like this in tw puppies?they have only a week that they go out.

if you need some more informations or pictures to help me to decide,please say so.

the one I will keep will have the name Christmas,shortname Chris,to always remember me that very,very special gift from Jaraba,I call her Silver due to her hair colour,when she has her normal hair,not as she is now of course,kkkkkk

thank you all in advance,again,for all the help/advices you give me

*Satu 28-04-2011 13:46

I don´t make choices only how they look, caracter is comming first. But you first pic and left puppy will be my choice :D

Vaiva 28-04-2011 16:58


Originally Posted by nobrezabranca (Bericht 375019)
what is normal,to be that shy or to be fearless

Have you read the standart of CSV? :roll: Should do it before breeding I guess...
It would be nice if you posted the HD results of the parents here, on WD ;)

nobrezabranca 28-04-2011 19:37

Hi again
why the question about hd?that was not asked,nor I'm selling puppies!!!
and I don´t see such a remark of you in ALL the puppies articles published her!why on mine now instead of helping me with my doubts?at 1 1/2 years I'll make the hd exams,not now of course...
now regarding the character,I think that the character of both is ok,because even the more shy is not too shy,only at the beginning with new people and noises;with other dogs they are equaly friendly and with people after some caresses they both play the same,better,destroy the same!!!:lol:.one simply doesn´t quite knows what the word "shy" means!!!:lol:
They have 4 months now and each day that passes,when I play with them,i get both happy and sad,because I know that I'll loose one of them...and I confess that i prefer females,so another thing that makes me even more sad to loose one...this is breaking my heart!!!:(
also by law,where I live,I can´t have more than 3 dogs!
a thing that reduces a little,just a little,my pain,is knowing that the new owners(I hope by this time that they haven't changed their mind about keeping a puppy) are nice people,have very good conditions to have it(lots of space,money to take care of their needs) and also very important,time to spend with her.
but it is time,because of the one that is going away,to get attached to the new owners and to miss the less the ones that stay...it will already be a tragedy the departure of one,but the sooner now the less painful...
so wich tender,sweat,crazy,loving "demon" to keep?for me the loss is the same,I love them both equaly...each is unique...
and as I don't plan to have another twh for many years,since I'll be having 3,the max by law,I want to do the most with the one I keep!
thank you again very much for your help

Vaiva 28-04-2011 19:48


Originally Posted by nobrezabranca (Bericht 375138)
Hi again
why the question about hd?

Just if parents are not HD tested, I wouldn't hope to get a breeding dog from them :roll:

Again - standart says a dog has to be fearless. The exterior is so less important than that. If you want to make benefit for the breed (and this should be the main reason for breeding), you should not breed shy dogs. The dog that doesn't know what "shy" means - this is a real CSV, even if he/she has bigger ears ir darker eyes...

yukidomari 28-04-2011 20:10

Which puppy to keep - The question every breeder has, and no breeder has the perfect answer for. :lol:

wolfin 28-04-2011 20:16

when parent are without HD ED and moore healty test - I sale both and go to make parents healty test.

tupacs2legs 28-04-2011 20:22

why do you still have them at 4 months old? :?

nobrezabranca 28-04-2011 21:37

The mother has hd test,A(0/0),the father is stil not even 1 1/2 years old!this litter wasn´t suposed to have happened!when my bith began the heat I went to the vet to ask if the dog,still PUPPY could make the bitch pregnant and he said no way,that he was too young to do so,and I trusted the vet.1 month latter I began to notice my bitch a little larger,but I thought that I was overfeeding her.one week later,for my surprise,I wasn't overfeeding her,she was pregnant!!!I then spoke with the vet,but what could I do?! as she was 3 years old I let her have the litter.I didn't wanted her to have babies becaus I wanted to participate with her in dogshows.she is already champion of portugal and gibraltar,missing only one point to be international champion,and i wanted to do that missing point in a dogshow in spain near where I live,the dogshow of luxembourg,monaco and the spanish championship.so very bad timing for the litter..I have dogs because I LOVE them,and I love to show them,and not to make money.bad for my "pocket",good for my soul...:lol:
I once had a girlfriend that was complaining all the time that I was spending too much time,effort and money with my dogs...result?the dogs stayed and the girlfriend went to complain to another place/one!:lol::lol::lol:
my dogs are as my sons!!!sometimes I buy cheaper things to eat for myself,but for my dogs they always get the best!when I'm ill,to be able to take properly care of my dogs seems to accelarate my recovering!psychological?perhaps,but it works!!! :lol::lol::lol:
about the father not having the hd test because he is still too young,in a while I'm going to test him too and then the puppy.
as the puppy was born in christmas day,it has a very special meaning for me,and even if the hd test is not the ideal(But of course I hope that she has hd 0/0),I'll keep her anyway.As I told before,I have this bread not to have litters and make money,but because I love the bread!!!hd o/o or not,she will be equaly special for me...if the hd test is ok,perhaps I have a litter later,if not,she stays as the very,very special christmas gift from my other dogs and as another wonderful friend,family member as the others...
I hope that I don´t see any more questions about hd,and instead some advices about the look of the puppies.about the character I already know which is my favorite,but I repeat,none of them is realy shy,just one is shameless,fearless,crazy and the other is more normal,friendly but sometimes more careful than the other.
why I still have them with 4 months?because the one that is going to another person is neither for dogshows nor for breading,and as I only can keep one,I wanted to know them better,so I keep the prettiest to dogshows,since both are equaly important/loving to me,none of them is realy shy,so both ok of character,and the new owners don´t mind that I do so.
my other 4 male puppies,perhaps one will participate in dogshows,but it is not sure.so my only sure way to show a dog of my breed will be the female that I will keep.although I love dogshows,my main concern was not to sell them to owners that take them to dogshows,but that they get owners that treat them well,very good.This was the most important thing to me!
so please help me JUST with advices concerning the way they look,ok?;-)

wolfin 28-04-2011 21:43


Originally Posted by nobrezabranca (Bericht 375158)
The mother has hd test,A(0/0),the father is stil not even 1 1/2 years old!

to young to make HD but not to young to make puppy :) realy christmas hystory.


so please help me JUST with advices concerning the way they look,ok?:wink:
I say- sold both :)

p.s. i realy want to see Odin video like he move and runn.

nobrezabranca 28-04-2011 21:55

please don't remember me about odin's breeder!!!I was in a good mood until you talked again about it...:lol::lol::lol:
about odin's video I'll try to do one and send it to you.
about the puppies,you don't advice to keep any of them only because...we know why...or also because the way they look?you don't like them?why/what in particular?what is not so good?and wich of them do you think is better,forgetting for a while...;-)

wolfin 28-04-2011 21:59


Originally Posted by nobrezabranca (Bericht 375166)
please don't remember me about odin's breeder!!!I was in a good mood until you talked again about it...:lol::lol::lol:
about odin's video I'll try to do one and send it to you.
about the puppies,you don't advice to keep any of them only because...we know why...or also because the way they look?you don't like them?why/what in particular?what is not so good?and wich of them do you think is better,forgetting for a while...;-)

thanks for video I very wait :0
why .. not breeder but ... I love a wolfdog - with a wolfdog anatomy and angulation and .. and :)
You have nice and interesing female, but for she better used others male :) - do You self not see diferent in anatomy? In this case I recomendation a little read a standart and books about breeding and anatomy and only later think want breed or not :)
I hope I help You with this info.
thanks about video :)

Morian 28-04-2011 22:05


Originally Posted by nobrezabranca (Bericht 375158)
I have dogs because I LOVE them

this is a reason to care about ther health, isn't it? 8)

nobrezabranca 28-04-2011 22:13

yes I see the difference,of course,I also prefer the female,the proportions...
but I don't think that the male is not correct/bad,just not so good as the female...I've seen such males winning dogshows here...and not only here,and not only males...some judges should never judge twh!!!:(
about the puppies,I don´t know,I'm very sentimental,I know...:lol:
if you were as sentimental as I am,:lol:,nevertheless,wich female puppy is at the moment more promissing?

wolfin 28-04-2011 22:15


Originally Posted by nobrezabranca (Bericht 375175)
yes I see the difference,of course,I also prefer the female,the proportions...
but I don't think that the male is not correct/bad,just not so good as the female...I've seen such males winning dogshows here...and not only here,and not only males...some judges should never judge twh!!!:(
about the puppies,I don´t know,I'm very sentimental,I know...:lol:
if you were as sentimental as I am,:lol:,nevertheless,wich female puppy is at the moment more promissing?

moore photo please- when puppy stay, runn and photo body and head. :)

nobrezabranca 28-04-2011 22:44

4 Attachment(s)
these are the best I have from them that are more actual!I have others,but not moving...many times when I go to the beach with them,I realy try to make nice fotos,but I think that I have to buy a better camera,because they are too fast for the one I have!!!:lol::lol::lol:
I sent more fotos of the darker puppy because the ears were not totaly visible in the detailed foto of her head that I posted before.
as soon as I have the film and the fotos in the beach,i'll send them to you and post here the best.
I think they are quite diferent,but due to my lack of experience at this age I don't know wich is more promissing for sure!I think the darker is more correct,am I wrong?the darker is also a little larger,heavier,but in general better,or not???

wolfin 28-04-2011 22:51

I stay this who have better charakter and moore fall in heart :)

Rona 29-04-2011 08:44

I'm not a breeder, but I heard experienced breeders saying that the best time to select puppies is between they're 5-6 weeks. Not earlier, because they all look like sweet teddies, and not later, because later different parts of their bodies grow at various speed and by the time they're fully matured one can judge only roughly how nice/ugly they'll finally be.

I saw some dogs that looked beautiful and "ready" at the time they were 5-9 months, and then grew up to very average CSVs, often too heavy. On the other hand some later "beauties" and champions looked quite 'starved' and clumsy when growing.

To tell you the truth, I would be really surprised if any knowledgeable breeder advised you which pup you should keep on the basis of just a few bad photos (not even showing properly the proportions/colours of the the pups) and without seeing them live. In my opinion - too great responsibility! :p:rock_3

Vaiva 29-04-2011 09:33

Could you please invite someone to help you - one person could kepp a puppy standing in a show possition, other could make a photo?

nobrezabranca 29-04-2011 17:34

I'll try...you don't imagine the wild,but also tender,they are...
and I haven't began their education yet,just the basic...
as soon as I manage to do so,I'll put themhere,and thank you again for all the help.
each time I take pictures of them to show them to make a decision,my heart hurts...I'm already so used to both...but as explained before,even if I want,I can't stay with both!damned law...:evil:

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