Coming litter: Girios dvasia (2025-04-01)

Earliest date of pick up:2025-04-01
Sire:Howling Wolf z Údolí ticha, HD: A, ED: A (0-0), DM: N/N
This dog does not have any show titles yet...
Dam:Sidabra O'Lena Girios dvasia, HD: , ED: -, DM: -
1 x BIS 4. (Junior), 9 x BOB, 2 x BOG 3., 5 x Best Junior, 5 x Youth Winner, 2 x BIS 2. (Junior), 1 x BOG 2., 2 x Club Junior Winner, 1 x BIS 2., 5 x Best Female, 3 x CAC, 3 x CACIB, 1 x CWC, J.Ch.EE
Contact languages:
Kennel name:Girios dvasia
kennel breeding dogs with FCI registered (or recognized) pedigrees
Address:Savalku 4
City:71041 Griskabudis
Phone:+370 619 29370
More contact info:Forum: wolfin
Skype: daivaharka
Additional information:
Information about parents:
Dog name:Howling Wolf z Údolí tichaSidabra O'Lena Girios dvasia
Date of birth:2015.01.272022.11.06
Health:HD: A
, ED: A (0-0)
, DM: N/N
, Dwarfism: N/N
HD: -
, ED: -
, DM: -
, Dwarfism: -
Show results:This dog does not have any show titles yet...1 x BIS 4. (Junior), 9 x BOB, 2 x BOG 3., 5 x Best Junior, 5 x Youth Winner, 2 x BIS 2. (Junior), 1 x BOG 2., 2 x Club Junior Winner, 1 x BIS 2., 5 x Best Female, 3 x CAC, 3 x CACIB, 1 x CWC, J.Ch.EE
Work & training:

Howling Wolf z Údolí ticha

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Sidabra O'Lena Girios dvasia

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