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Old 19-03-2010, 23:37   #20
Posts: n/a

I'm going to preface this with my standard, "I don't own a CsV yet, so I can't rate from experience, but..."

I personally think a better test of historical CsV character would be to focus on obedience, tracking, and endurance (if there even is such a thing here!) rather than Schutzhund (although, I would see that as still being perfectly acceptable in regards to registry with the CsVCA). I think AKC tracking is more in line with what the CsV was originally bred for than the tracking in Schutzhund. AKC tracking is looser, giving the dog more freedom to do its job in its own way as opposed to having to follow strict rules when tracking. I think it would be a shame to lose the CsV's inherent independent thought when it comes to work because a more biddable dog is favored because it scores high as opposed to a dog that may be too smart for the sport & apt to take shortcuts because it has the proper temperament.

I also think that there should be an exception for actual working dogs, even if there isn't a title involved. CsVs show a LOT of promise as search & rescue dogs (which is what I'd love to do), airport checks/security, police work, etc, and we of course can't discount the dogs that are ACTUALLY going out & doing a job every day!
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