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Old 22-02-2012, 12:27   #10
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Originally Posted by Janiz View Post
Todle už je spíš vtipný, jestli si tady někdo chce hrát na soudce nebo spasitele plemene, možná ho tím spíš zničí!!!
Psů co mají v rodokmenech potomky CW od 2004, de Louba Tar, PDL či Foresta incantata je, nechci se pouštět do spekulací, ale prostě HODNĚ!!
Trochu mi to připomíná myšlenku "čisté rasy", což byl podobný nesmysl a jak to dopadlo všichni víme..
I hope I understand you right - anyway it sounds really ridiculous if it is written by FCI breeder. Does it mean that you are against breeding of PUREBREED dogs? So please tell me why do you breed dogs with pedigrees?

And one more time: it is not about speculations but about the FACTS! Passo del Lupo and Foresta Incatata are breeding Saarloos mixes and everybody who is a bit informed knows it already. They use the offsprings of white Canadian wolf and some kind of mongrel and mix them with CsW.

By the Louba tar the DNA tests were done - the story about pedigree cheating was pretty famous and you can confirm it by your kennel club officials. The same result gave the DNA tests done in Holland.

By Crying Wolf - please read one more time about the red Saarloos puppies born in the CW litter in France.

Of course nobody can force breeders to follow the FCI rules. If somebody want to cheat the pedigrees - he will find a country when nobody care about the rules. We can make something against cheaters only in "civilized" countries where Kennel Clubs follow the rules and require it also from their breeders.
If you also like the idea of cheating the pedigrees and cooperating with people who do it - it is your decision. But there are more and more honest and responsible people who do not want to have "mongrels with pedigrees" at home. And they are asking to mark out the suspected dogs.
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